YouTube playlist Night Vibe s André Tribale na SUB FM Rádio
Radioshow Night Vibe with André Tribale is also on YouTube Clisk on Playlist
SUB FM today starting new show
Relácia s názvom Night Vibe prinesie do slovenského éteru nekomerčné subžánre elektronickej hudby. Tešiť sa môžeš na house music a to hlavne deep, organic, melodic či vocal, tribal a techhouse. Každý štvrtkový večer od 20:00 do 22:00 bude v SUB FM naživo mixovaný prúd hudby v podaní André Tribale a jeho hostí. Prinesú ti novinky zo sveta house music, klubovej scény, djov, producentov zo Slovenska a zahraničia, ale hlavne veľa kvalitnej hudby.
Missberry b2b André Tribale @ Gat Electra On Boat 2018
André Tribale with Missberry were headliners at the 7th annual party Gat Electra On Boat. Exclusive boat cruise at the Vranov Dam was unforgettable. Lineup with 6x DJs + live SAX Filip Markes and afterparty on boat after anchoring, created an unforgettable party that we will remember for a long time.
Missberry b2b Andre Tribale @ Regal Terasa Piestany
After a very long time, André Tribale and Missberry presented themselves on their home ground. The combination of great music and a pleasant terrace on the Vah reverside in Piešťany, where you can enjoy the specialties of Regal Burger is a great combination.
Soullive Studio Moskva (Rusko) - Missberry b2b Andre Tribale (Slovakia)
André Tribale b2b missberry has another success. 28th of April 2018 were guests at the SOULLIVEFM.COM Moscow Radio where they played nearly b2b a 2-hour set.
André Tribale @ Prague, Februar 2018 - U Bukanýra + John Reed Fitness
André Tribale and Missberry in February 2018 went to Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. On 2nd of February 2018, they played at John Reed Fitness and later 3-hour b2b set in known U Bukanyra houseboat.